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8am to 9pm Daily


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Coupons and where to find them:

You'll find more coupons, along with our Great Deals! and Fresh Deals! sales fliers, at the store entrance and occasionally in our grocery aisles. Special coupons are sometimes available on the front page of our website, so be sure to check in regularly!

You can also find Honest Weight Coupons in the Savings Source and Clipper. 

And follow us on Facebook for notices of online coupons!

We want to help make natural, organic, healthy food affordable for everyone.


View our Great Deals! and Fresh Deals! sales flyers!



The Fine Print: Our Coupon Policy

Store Coupons

  • Not for use with any other offers or discounts 
  • Customers limited to the use of one coupon per day
  • Excludes catering or gift card purchases
  • For store coupons with a specific dollar amount off the total amount, only receipts from a single date may be combined to reach the total sales amount. Amounts from receipts on different dates may not be combined
  • We will only refund store coupons two weeks after the purchase date. Coupon must have valid date at time of purchase and customer must present receipt at the time of refund.
  • Clipper and Savings Source coupons must be physically present

Vendor/Manufactures Coupons

  • Honest Weight Food Co-op does not accept coupons from other retail locations, such as Hannaford, Whole Foods etc.
  • HWFC does not accept more than one coupon if the coupon states “Limit of one coupon per shopping trip”
  • HWFC does accept one coupon per product from coupons that state “Limit of one per purchase” as long as the customer has the same number of products as coupons allowed.
  • A physical coupon must be present
  • HWFC does not accept coupons on “reduced for quick sale” products

We do not accept any coupons that:

  • Appear to have been photocopied
  • Appear to have been screenshot or photographed
  • Have expired or are missing an expiration date
  • Have been identified as fraudulent by the manufacturer

Additionally, coupons with high dollar amount discounts off original retail value will be reviewed by management.

We will only accept coupons while they are valid according to the dates listed on the coupons. Coupons will not be accepted beyond their expiration dates. Store management has final discretion in accepting, denying or limiting the use of any coupons presented.