Black Lives Matter
We will not stand by silently while Black communities continue to suffer under the weight of violence, discrimination and injustice. The work we all need to do to dismantle systemic racism is far from over. Honest Weight stands in solidarity with Black communities in Albany and across the country. Black Lives Matter.
Table of Contents
Black-Owned Businesses Organizations to support in the Capital Region, compiled by Upstate Creative
Honest Weight Anti-Racism Committee Information
Educational Resources
Organizations Accepting Donations
June 1st, 2020 HWFC Board of Directors Statement & Call to Action
Honest Weight's Anti-Racism Committee
Purpose: To explore ways for HWFC to actively and consistently support an anti-racist agenda.
Committee Email:
Regularly Meets: Third Monday of the month at 5:30pm
Workplan: 2020-2021 Workplan
Here are a few facts that are true today.
- 14.6% of the population of the USA is African American (Latino/Latina makes up 18.3%, Native American is 1.3%), yet only 3.5% of the nation’s farm land is operated by these ethnic minorities.
- The latest overall COVID-19 mortality rate for Black Americans is 2.4 times as high as the rate for whites, and 2.2 times as high as the rate for Asians and Latinos.
- African-American men are more than twice as likely as their white peers to die from police use of force. In fact, police violence is the sixth-leading cause of death for young Black men in America.
- Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women. (Source: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Black transgender women account for 50 percent of all anti-LGBTQ and HIV-affected hate violence, and as of November 2017, 84% of transgender murder victims were people of color and 80% were women. (Source: Transgender Law Center)
- Black women in leadership positions are more likely to be criticized or punished when making mistakes on the job.
What Can White People Do to be Allies of the Black Community?
- Educate yourself. Check out the resouces below for steps you can take to improve racial justice and equality in the Black community.
- Donate or volunteer for an organization led by people of color that is committed to advancing social change in Black and Brown communities. We're including a list below.
- Support Black-Owned Businesses
- Support Black-Owned Businesses while shopping at Honest Weight. We work directly with many great Black-Owned businesses and we're actively looking to work with more. Some great brands & products you'll find on our shelves include: Alaffia, Skin Deep Naturals by OM, Shea4Real, Vibrant Health, Miles Honey, Shaquanda's Hot Sauce, Koia Beverages,New Communities Pecans, and Zoet Bathlatier. Are there products from Black-owned businesses that you'd like to see us carry? Please let us know!
Educational Resources
These resources link to other websites and resources developed by community partners

Anti-Racism Resources for White People
This impressive google doc is better than anything we could put together independently and includes articles to read, videos to watch, organizations to follow on social media, tools for white parents of white children, etc. It also includes other lists of resources. This list that was compiled by Johnetta Elzie, protester and activist from her notable work in the Ferguson, Missouri protests.
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
An older article (2017) from The Medium that lists 75 clear actions white people can take to be actively anti-racist
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
An oft-referenced excerpt from a longer academic essay by Peggy McIntosh in 1988 and a good primer for understanding and coming to terms with white privilege. "White privilege is like an invisible
weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank
A regularly updated list of resources, places to donate (including a way to donate without money), petitions to sign, and phone numbers to call or text.
Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates for The Atlantic. “The Case for Reparations” has been lauded as an arresting and accurate cataloguing of the black struggle in twentieth-century America (especially the critical role property has played in the oppression of black people).
Sephora Racial Bias in Retail Study
While Sephora is different from Honest Weight in many ways, our organizations share that diversity, inclusion and equity have been longstanding values and core to our missions since our inceptions. The reality is that the retail experience is not always inclusive to all. Sephora commissioned this research study on the state of racial bias in retail to help measure the problem and idenity tangible opportunities for improvement for the retail community at large. We've found this study to be a valuable resource as we continue to work to grow and improve the co-op experience.
Mental Health Resources (click to expand)
“Racism is a public health crisis,” according to a May 2020 statement from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Sunshine Behavioral Health compiled this excellent spread of resources and information, including many links to free or low-cost sources for culturally competent mental healthcare.
The Color of Autism Foundation, Inc. []
The color of autism provides training advocacy and support on Autism Spectrum Disorders to families and youth from the Black/Brown Community. Their services are free.
BEAM, Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective []
BEAM imagines a world where there are no barriers to Black healing. They support healing through education, training, and advocacy.
The Summit Wellness Group []
61 mental health and substance use resources for the BIPOC community.
Black Underrepresentation in Addiction Treatment []
Discusses the idea of ‘underrepresentation’ in more detail looking at common barriers, legal biases and the importance of cultural competency.
A Guide to Addiction and Recovery for African Americans []
African Americans may experience more barriers to treatment than other groups, this guide can help one become aware of payment options and how to find providers who understand the issues unique to this population.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among African Americans []
Provides helpful statistics, looks at the differences in substance abuse patterns across the black population, and treatment options to consider.
Financial Literacy Resources (click to expand)
Financial Literacy in the Black Community []
Closing the racial wealth gap isn't a simple fix. But many experts say education and financial literacy can help. This article identifies the impact this knowledge gap has on the African American community — and explores how Black educators and financial advisors are working to close it.
Addressing Disparities in Finance for Black and African Americans []
Scholarships for Black Students [Education Loan Finance,]
Organizations Accepting Donations:
- Albany Bail Fund for Black Lives
- Black Lives Matter
- The Bail Project works nationally, including several cities where protests are taking place, including Los Angeles, Louisville, and New York City. Donate here.
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- Black Visions Collective
- Campaign Zero The comprehensive platform for research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America.
- Transgender Law Center
- Urban Grief responds to the traumatic impact of community violence, death and loss through community education, crisis response, victim advocacy and grief support.
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