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Bylaws Panel

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HWFC Bylaw 481- Purpose
481.1 Upon receipt of a request from the Board or the GRC (or Member-Owners, if they choose to do so), the Bylaws Panel (Panel) shall evaluate the merits of all proposed changes to the Bylaws under consideration by the Board or the GRC; draft proposed amendments for such changes if deemed meritorious by the Panel; and present such proposed amendments for Membership consideration and approval.
481.2 The Panel may also convene at the request of Member-Owners who intend to bring proposed amendments to the Bylaws directly to the Membership pursuant to Sections 330.7, 341.1, 342.4(a), and 343.2, for advice and comment. Member-Owners are not obligated to seek such advise before bringing proposed amendments to the Membership under these sections.

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To communicate with the Bylaws Panel please email:

By- the-Bylaws

The Bylaws Panel highlighted a different section of our Bylaws in each of the past seven editions of the Co-op's HONEST SLATE. In the spirit of holiday giving, we are gifting you a bundle that includes all seven "By-the-Bylaws" articles. ENJOY!

May - Purpose of the Bylaws
June - Food and Product Policy
July - Annual Budget Process
August - Membership Responsibilities, Rights and Benefits
September - Referenda & Membership Meetings
October - Governance Review Council
November - Terms and Election Process for the Board of Directors


Thanks to all Member-Owners who voted at the October 29 Membership Meeting. All proposed Bylaws changes were approved by the membership. See our Inside Scoop announcing the results of the October 29 Membership Meeting here.




Is Something in the Bylaws Unclear? Do you see need for change in the Bylaws?

Our process is this:

Suggested proposals for new Bylaws, or revisions to existing Bylaws, are referred to the Bylaws Panel from the Board of Directors (BoD) or from the Governance Review Council (GRC). MOs who petition for Bylaws changes can also submit their proposed changes to the BLP for review and feedback.

The Bylaws Panel (BLP) will then reveiw the topic and determine if revisions will be initiated within 30 days of receipt of the topic.

If the BLP is to craft revisions, they attempt with all due muster and diligence to complete the revisions in 90 days. 

The BLP then introduces the changes to the bylaws at Feedback sessions. This is where MOs are encouraged to review the proposals and give feedback. MOs may also email their feedback to the BLP during this time. The BLP then takes the feedback and works on ways to incorporate it into the proposals, if and where possible. If a membership meeting is close, the Board is likely setting the agenda for the upcoming membership meeting with all the components that will be on it at the same time as the BLP is seeking feedback from MOs.

Next, the BLP will present the bylaws proposals to the membership at Info sessions in the weeks preceding the membership meeting. By the time the revisions are being presented at the Info sessions, they may have been changed from the first proposals made at feedback sessions, the proposals have been finalized, the agenda for the membership meeting has already been set and sent to eligible MOs, and no changes to the bylaws revisions are able to be made at Info sessions. 

The BLP will then give a presentation of the proposed changes at the membership meeting and the eligible MOs will vote. Proposed Bylaws get passed only if they are approved by two-thirds or more of the votes cast for the proposal. MOs have the final say!

Thank you to all the HWFC member-owners who engage in the Co-op's process of self-governing!


Monthly Meetings:

The Bylaws Panel meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom when revisions are underway. Meeting dates may vary and be rescheduled. If there are no revisions to be reviewed by the BLP, they may not meet. A list of Zoom links for HWFC meetings is here.

To propose revisions to the Bylaws for the Bylaws Panel to consider, email your suggestions and questions to the Governance Review Council at or the Board of Directors at Specify in your email that you wish for the BLP to consider your request.

Bylaws Panel (BLP)  3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, if and when revisions are being reviewed
Meeting ID: 875 8690 7665
Password: 919238

February 2025 Meeting Agenda

Panel Members, Appointing Body, and Terms:

  • Richard Beer, Membership Committee - Term Expires 5/31/2024
  • Margaret Vorih, Management - Term Expires 10/31/2024
  • Daniel Hoh, Membership Committee - Term Expires 5/31/2025
  • Saul Rigberg, Board of Directors - Term Expires 10/31/2025
  • Julie Cohen, Management - Term Expires 10/31/2025
  • Lieta Washington, Board of Directors - Term Expires 10/31/2025
  • Cathy Holmes, Governance Review Council - Term Expires 5/31/2025
  • Brett Robert, Governance Review Council - Term Expires 5/31/2026

For questions or comments: email the Bylaws Panel at