HWFC Board of Directors Candidate Information Form
Greetings from the Honest Weight Food Co-op Board of Directors!
Thank you for considering service on the HWFC Board. It is through the commitment of Member-Owners to this vital role that the Co-op can continue to thrive as an organization.
Honest Weight Food Co-op is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors elected by the Membership. The Board recommends major policy decisions and objectives to the Membership for approval, facilitates long-range planning for the Co-op, and protects the Co-op’s assets. The Board does not directly control the store’s daily operations, but does determine the Co-op’s management structure, and hires and supervises senior store management.
The Board meets monthly and communicates to the Membership regularly on Board activities and decisions. It conducts at least four Membership meetings a year to facilitate voting on approval of by-laws changes, policy manuals, annual budgets, elections of Directors and other issues that concern the Membership. The Board relies on Board committees comprised of Member-Owners to assist with the work that informs the Board’s decisions.
Directors are motivated by service to owners and the broader community. Serving on the Board is an excellent opportunity to help shape how the Co-op fulfills its mission. Board service has legal obligations, time expectations, and other commitments that should be carefully considered before you apply to serve.
View the Board Manual here for additional information to learn more:
Each year there are open seats for the Board election, which takes place at the April Membership Meeting. This year’s meeting will be held April 27, 2025. Nominations are open now and the nomination form is available below for submission. A paper form is also available upon request. There will be 3 seats open for election at the April 27, 2025 Membership Meeting.
Floor nominations are also accepted at the Membership meeting on April 27. All floor nominees accepting nomination will be required to complete a contact informational application. Please review the "What you need to know before applying" section carefully and reach out to any of us if you have questions.
- Board of Directors: board@honestweight.coop
- Individual Directors can also be contacted, see website
- Elections and Nominations Committee (ENC), ElectionsComm@honestweight.coop
- Karen Roth, ENC Co-Chair
- Paula McKeough, ENC Co-Chair
- Sharon Lastique, Membership Manager: memberservices@honestweight.coop
Requirements for Board Nominees:
- You must be a Co-op Member-Owner whose time investment and ownership interest payments are up to date as of March 31, 2025. Contact our Membership Manager to verify your standing: MemberServices@honestweight.coop
- Directors are required to have a working knowledge of the Co-op Bylaws.
- Members who submit a nomination form may participate in virtual “Meet the Candidates” events upcoming in April (dates/times to be announced) where you may answer questions regarding your interest in running for a Board of Director position.
- All nomination forms (minus contact information) and photos received by April 27 at 8 am will be published, made available to all Co-op owners, and posted in the store.
- Please note: As a candidate for the Board, you are required to acknowledge any conflicts of interest due to employment, financial obligations, or interests that may conflict with the business of the Co-op. This includes conflicts of interest due to the employment, financial obligations or interests of your spouse, significant other, or other family members.
What you need to know before applying
Obligations of HWFC Board members:
As a Director, you will be required to attend monthly Board meetings and regularly scheduled Board planning sessions. All formal actions of the Board are recorded by vote at Board meetings, which are open to Member-Owners.
Primary Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm at the Co-op (virtually for the time being). If elected, an inability to regularly attend Board meetings could result in your removal from the Board as outlined in the Bylaws. In addition, you will be required to serve as a Board liaison to at least one committee (which includes attending that committee’s monthly meetings) and participate in conducting membership meetings. You are STRONGLY encouraged to attend a Board meeting before the election.
Directors have the legal responsibility to represent the Co-op as a whole, to ensure that HWFC conforms to all applicable laws and regulations and, as fiduciaries of the HWFC corporation, to protect the assets and reputation of HWFC. Directors are expected to act in the best interest of all members of our community. They must have a genuine interest in upholding cooperative principles and values, including a willingness to take responsibility for Board duties, and to work together with understanding, mutual support, and respect. In their work, Directors must act within the limits of the Co-op’s Bylaws and in accordance with the New York State Cooperative Corporation Law and the Business Corporation Law.
Being an effective Director requires a deep and consistent commitment. An effective Director should expect to spend time preparing for Board meetings. Effective decision making is possible only when everyone is knowledgeable about and prepared to discuss the important issues prior to the meeting. Incoming Directors must have daily access to the internet and e-mail communication. You should expect to devote as many as 35 hours per month to Board-related activities including, but not limited to, attending meetings, reading, and responding to e-mail communications, and developing knowledge of store operations and finances through discussions with the Chief Cooperative Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.
Please Take Note:
If you are elected there is an additional requirement!!
As an elected Director, you must be able to pass a background check conducted by the New York State Liquor Authority (NYSLA) in order to maintain the HWFC’s liquor license. This background check must begin shortly after the election.
If there is anything you think may preclude you or your spouse from passing this background check, please contact Shawn Mack who will forward your concerns to HWFC’s attorney for advice.
If elected to the Board, you MUST make arrangements with Shawn Mack ShawnMack@honestweight.coop to provide him with the following documents no later than Friday, May 2, 2025:
- A completed Personal Questionnaire (Check the title ‘Director’ as your position)
- A signed Applicant's Statement (Check "corporate principal" in the relevant box)
- Proof of citizenship or permanent resident status
- An original color photo of at least 2" x 2"
- Color copy of government issued photo ID
Record of convictions: The New York State Liquor Authority scrutinizes all principals and their spouses, and it is essential to disclose to HWFC’s SLA attorney, any matter that might present a challenge to having you added to the permit. If you or your spouse have pending charges or convictions higher than a violation it is best to ask your attorney to research the specifics before submitting the SLA application.
After the HWFC’s Notice of Corporate Change and the newly elected Directors' Personal Questionnaires have been submitted, each new Director will be required to be fingerprinted, and will be given instructions how to do so on the Filing Receipt our SLA attorney will get from the Authority.