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Governance Review Council (GRC)

 Seperator 1

Bylaw 470.1 Purpose: The purpose of the Governance Review Council ("GRC") is to promote good governance, which in the context of HWFC means encouraging robust democratic, cooperative processes and structures in order to facilitate fair and open decision-making at all levels of HWFC. 

Seperator 2

To communicate with the GRC please email:


The Governance Review Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.

View the agenda for the upcoming meeting (posted here at least one week in advance of the meeting as per the Bylaws. Meeting dates may vary and be rescheduled). Updates will be posted on this page.

View the Open Meeting Ground Rules.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 7504 0345
Passcode: 150112

Or dial by phone and enter the same ID and passcode: 1+ (646) 518-9805

Council Members:

  • Sam Raj Term expires October 2025
  • Cindee Herrick Term expires October 2026
  • Shelby Taylor Term expires October 2026
  • Janet Sorell Term Expires October 2027
  • Brett Robert Term Expires Octobwer 2027

 Board Liasion: Ursula Abrams

The GRC promotes good governance by encouraging democratic, cooperative processes and structures to facilitate fair and open decision making at all levels of HWFC.

The GRC meets monthly to review Board policies and procedures and actions of the Board, to make recommendations to the Board regarding HWFC policies and procedures, to consider alleged violations of HWFC Bylaws by the Board, Management, the Bylaws Panel or Membership and to determine what issues related to the GRC's duties and responsibilities should be brought to the attention of the Board and/or of the entire membership.  In addition, the GRC assists the Board Secretary in maintaining a current record of the Bylaws and of official HWFC policies.

The GRC has provided critical advice about how HWFC’s Bylaws should inform decisions that are made at all levels of governance.