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Run for the HWFC Board of Directors: Year-Round
Submission Process Now Available!

The Board of Directors election is held each year as part of the April Membership Meeting. It has been the practice of the Co-op to primarily recruit for vacant BOD positions after the January Membership Meeting, for a limited timeframe. Instead of recruiting for Board service at a specific time of year, the Elections and Nominations Committee (ENC) is providing details on this page for Member-Owners to learn more about serving on the Board and even submitting a nomination form at any time during the year. Read on!

To help potential candidates decide if running for a Board seat may be a viable option, the ENC is providing the following:

In addition to making this information available on the website year-round to anyone contemplating running for an open Board seat, a candidate may submit a nomination form for consideration any time of the year as well. This “evergreen” process is meant to support greater transparency and information to all Member-Owners, if interested in learning more about what it means to serve on the Honest Weight Board.

While Nomination Form submissions may be received year-round, as mentioned, elections only occur in April each year. However, if circumstances warrant, Board appointments may be made if needed. A submitted Nomination Form from a Member-Owner may be considered.

Should you have any questions on the process or documents linked on this page, please reach out to the ENC at


Become an Elected Representative of HWFC
by running for the Board or Governance Review Council

Scheduled elections at the Co-op happen twice per year. Elections for the Board of Directors are held each year as part of the April Membership Meeting. Elections for the Governance Review Council are held each year as part of the October Membership Meeting.

GRC Elections, October 26, 2025
Voting starts during the October 2025 Regular Membership Meeting (RMM)
The same meeting link will be used for the membership meeting and all pre-meeting sessions.
On-Line Meeting Link:

Meet the Candidate sessions are held by the Elections and Nominations Committee for each election. These sessions allow for questions, answers, and information sharing related to the elected positions. WQe encourage staff and member-owners to participate in the MTC events.

Pre-Meeting Meet the Candidate Sessions:

 As allowed in the Bylaws, nominations from the floor are accepted during the meeting.

Complete details about the meeting, accessing the online meeting and other details can be found in the meeting notice on the HWFC website here:
