Elections 2024 - Governance Review Council (GRC)
Election to fill open seats on the
Governance Review Council at the
October 26, 2025 General Membership Meeting
Run for the GRC October 2025!
HWFC's next Governance Review Council Elections will be held at the October 26, 2025 Regular Membership Meeting via Zoom. Member-Owners will be electing for two seats on the GRC. Member-owners, including dual-status staff members, may help to promote good governance, which in the context of HWFC means encouraging robust democratic, cooperative processes and structures in order to facilitate fair and open decision-making at all levels of HWFC.
The GRC meets monthly to review Board policies and procedures and actions of the Board, to make recommendations to the Board regarding HWFC policies and procedures, to consider alleged violations of HWFC Bylaws and to determine what issues should be brought to the attention of the entire membership.
The following is a description of the Governance Review Council’s purpose, taken from the current Bylaws. For a complete statement of all of the GRC responsibilities see the Co-op Bylaws at: https://www.honestweight.coop/page/bylaws-15.html
470 Governance Review Council
470.1 Purpose: The purpose of the Governance Review Council ("GRC") is to promote good governance, which in the context of the HWFC means encouraging robust democratic, cooperative processes and structures in order to facilitate fair and open decision-making at all levels of HWFC.
We are seeking candidates for election to the GRC who are committed to the Co-op values and principles of governance, and are willing to devote their time and energy to work with the Council and the Board of Directors on governance-related issues. Eligible Member-Owners who demonstrate the desirable attributes are encouraged to submit a completed Nomination Form. The GRC also encourages candidates for the GRC election to attend at least one Board meeting and one GRC meeting before submitting their Nomination Form.
Governance Review Council candidate eligibility:
- The bylaws require a candidate to be up-to-date on their time investment as of the end of the month just prior to the election – in this case September 30, 2025.
- Members of the current HWFC Board are not eligible.
Desirable attributes:
- Commitment to HWFC values, goals, and issues
- Experience in Board governance of non-profit, public, or private organizations
- Other HWFC committee experience
- Legal background or training or familiarity with legal, regulatory and governance issues
- Good verbal and written communication skills
- Commitment to actively participate in GRC meetings and council work
- Commitment to attend Board and other committee meetings as required
Nomination Forms for service on the GRC will be available in a print version at the service desk and electronically on the HWFC website. Leave your completed paper version with the service desk. If submitting via website, your form will be submitted automatically to the Elections and Nominations Committee.
Plan to see your completed Nomination Form on the Board of Directors store bulletin board as well as the Elections page of the HWFC website. In addition, you may participate in “Meet the Candidate” events prior to the election. Member-owners are excited to get to know you!
Nominations from the floor at the October 26, 2025 Membership Meeting may also be made.